I picked this up from I Am Writer...Hear Me Roar! and you should drop by and leave a comment. Alyssa has a knack for writing quick, compelling reviews. If you find my reviews long and boring, you might prefer her style. This survey is also a yearly thing hosted by Perpetual Page Turner , so feel free to pass it along or drop them a link to your own survey. I've included cover pics and links to the books I talk about in case you want to check any out. Let's go! Number of books you read this year: ...idk, a lot I guess? But not as many as I would have liked. It never is. Number of re-reads: Erm. No clue. Sorry. :( Genre you read the most from: Fantasy! That one I can answer! I did fit some other genres in there, too. 1. Best book you read in 2016? This is HARD. But actually I immediately thought of The Red Sea and The Silver Thief by Edward W. Robertson. While there were aspects of both which I adored, I'm going to go with The Red Sea because a
Thoughts, ramblings, and occasionally reviews.