What's Up Wednesday is a weekly writerly meme hosted by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk. What I'm reading I got a copy of Nick and Tesla's High Voltage Danger Lab to review! This book looks like fun. I've been reading more Middle Grade lately, and I like it a lot. I also read and reviewed Asylum . I didn't like it, and only finished it so that I could write a fair review. Various aspects didn't really sit well with me, and the writing fell flat. Others might like it, but for me it was "meh." I am also feeling the urge to re-read some of my favorites: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lies of Locke Lamora, All The World's A Grave, and even A Game of Thrones. There's a reason I put all these books waaaay up high on the shelf. I have no business re-reading right now when I have so much material to get through... What I'm writing Contracted is pushing 60k. My progress on this WIP continues to surprise me. I can't believe I started th
Thoughts, ramblings, and occasionally reviews.