If you read my review from last week, you'll know I hated Valentina Goldman's Immaculate Confusion. So why the hell would I read the sequel? Well, I got these as a pair to review. I thought they were going to be funny and sharp, and I looked forward to a worldly, sarcastic protagonist. The book WAS funny and interesting in parts, with enough serious drama and suspense to hold my interest -- but I had to slog through LOT of bigoted crap from Valentina. I got to her lecture on how poor women are ruining society and was finally like, NOPE. DONE. DNF. BUT! Free books are free books! And I was hoping for some character growth in the sequel. I did end up skipping to the end and listening to the final chapters. The conclusion was such that I found myself wondering what the heck this character was going to do with her life now. This is a lone case of me hating the first book and liking the sequel. Usually if I hate a book I don't even read the sequel. ...
Thoughts, ramblings, and occasionally reviews.