This year, I made a resolution that I was going to read as few books for fun as possible -- the better to focus on the chaos of college. Well, I'm miserable. The only "for fun" book I brought along was Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch, and I've already finished it. I'm itching for new books to read. I'll have to wait until Monday for the library to open, sadly. Specifically, I'm dying to read: Ahh! Look at those costumes!!! The Republic of Thieves is the sequel to Red Seas Under Red Skies , and what with the way that one ended, I need to read the sequel. It's not a want anymore. It is a NEED. RSUR was a fantastic second book, but the ending was just...depressing. While The Lies of Locke Lamora could be read and enjoyed by itself, Red Seas Under Red Skies is clearly a part of a series that is meant to continue. So far, my only complaint about the series is that amazing characters from the first book got dropped for the second. That ...
Thoughts, ramblings, and occasionally reviews.